graffiti burger

Pairs well with:

Pinot Noir

Every pour of our Pinot Noir brings you a delicious blend of berry flavors and the romantic aroma of violet.


1 can lite beer
1 red pepper
1 red onion
1/4 stick salted butter
1/2 lb 80% lean ground beef
1tsp sea salt
1tsp ground mixed pepper corns
6oz. crumbled feta cheese
1 ripe haas avocado



Crack open a cold can of domestic lite beer mid to high quality, take a sip and set aside. Make an aluminum foil grilling pouch and fill with sliced red pepper, sliced red onion and butter. Season contence of pouch with salt & pepper and set aside. Season a 1/4 lb. burger patty with seasalt and mixed ground pepper. gently place burger on a hot grill. After 2 min. pour a wash of beer over burger. place grilling pouch on flame. when burger is cooked less than half way through gently flip and repeat wash on other side. 1 min. before removing burger from flame, sprinkle with fetta crumbles and cover to melt. remove from flame along with grilling pouch. Serve on toasted potato roll stack in following order bottom bun, burger with melted feta, red onion and pepper from grilling pouch, sliced avocado, top bun and small amount of ketchup to serve as a glue.